Today I officially applied for graduation! Crazy! It is so weird to think that I am almost finished with college, or uni as they call it in Australia. It's kinda terrifying to picture what will come next. Growing up, I always imagined myself going to college after high school, but I never really planned much for after that. So now I am on the job hunt- a difficult task in today's economy. I will be walking in the Brigham Young University graduation ceremony in April, but still attend spring classes, therefore not receiving my diploma until June 2011. My major is in commercial leisure service management and my minor is in communications. I want to be a corporate events planner. If anyone hears of any kind of job opening let me know! Preferably something with event planning, program development, public relations, or non-profit management. I am willing to move almost anywhere! I am excited to embark on a new adventure- I just need to find one that will pay me...